

Join the Easter Choir! Registration is now open to all new and returning choir members for our Easter church services. If you are interested in singing in and building connection amongst passionate worshippers, click the image above to join us!

We will be offering TWO in-person camps this summer at the bridge: Adventure Bible Camp and a multi-sports camp. Click for more info on both camps. Registration NOW OPEN!

Are you interested in serving at the bridge? If so, we are excited to have you as part of our team! Most of what we do as a church is because of our dedicated team of volunteers. It takes all of us together to make the bridge function. Join the team!


Click on an event card below to register.

Now, more than ever, we need to connect with each other and unite in prayer. Groups meet online Wednesday morningsThursday afternoons, and Sunday mornings. Click to register.

Next Steps

Click on an event card below to register.

Young Adults

Click on an event card below to register.