Greetings from the bridge Board!
The Fall season is once again upon us, bringing with it the launch of the ministry year. While the Fall is often marked by newness in ministry teams, initiatives, and vision, this particular year brings an even greater sense of newness, freshness, and a sense of expectation for God to move in new ways at the bridge. This past summer saw the departure of Pastor Sam and Pastor Rod as they stepped out in obedience towards God’s next calling for their lives. It also saw Pastor Brian embark on a period of rest, healing, and restoration after a challenging season of life. Despite these changes, we are encouraged and eagerly await what is to come with expectation and anticipation as we hold fast to God’s promise to us in Isaiah 43:19; that He is working within our church family, creating new paths and restoring dry areas. We look forward to the imminent return of Pastor Brian in the Fall, our return to two services, and the anticipated addition of new pastors to the staff team.
On September 8, we held our annual Fall Kick-Off, which marked the launch of the new ministry year. This event had over 1,000 people gathered around ministry booths, connecting over barbecue, and enjoying some fun family activities. It was great to see many new faces from the surrounding community. The impact from this event will be felt throughout the year as teams encouraged people to connect and engage with the different ministries, and to serve in new capacities. Thank you to all the volunteers and staff who helped make this happen.
Our ministries continue to plan for the return of two Sunday services. To serve our church well, we need your help. Areas in need include children’s ministry and youth ministry on Sundays. If you’re interested in serving on any of our ministry teams, we encourage you to click here to go to our website to find the various roles that are available. Or, if you’d like to find out more about serving at the bridge in general, Pastor Anki will be hosting Discover Your Purpose on Sunday, September 22.
We would also like to invite you to join us after service on Sunday, November 17 for our Annual General Meeting where we will hear updates from each ministry and on operations of the church from the 2023–2024 ministry year.
As we reflect on God’s faithfulness over this past year and see His abundant provision, we cannot help but be encouraged by what is to come. Thank you for being a part of this community where, together, we fulfil our mission as a church to connect people to God, each other, and our world. Let us continue to pray for our church, for our community and for our vision of transformed people impacting their world in Christ.
Read on below to hear more about all the amazing things that God has been doing at the bridge in the areas of finance, staffing and ministries, as well as an update on the upcoming Board nominations.
Drex Sison
Board Member


Over the summer, my wife and I introduced the idea of budgeting with our two young children. We started to let them know how much things cost, how much we wanted to spend for certain things, and the importance of saving and spending wisely. We knew they started to understand when our daughter offered to pay for her dinner at a restaurant one night. She only had $4 with her (likely tooth fairy money), but she wanted to give all of it to pay for family expenses. This reminded me of the story in Luke 21 of the widow who gave her last two small coins as offering at the temple. While others were giving larger amounts in the story, the widow was giving everything she had. Jesus acknowledged to the disciples that only she had given in real faith.
As we close the financial books for the 2023–2024 ministry year at the bridge, we are thankful for your financial support. Giving has increased over the previous fiscal year and exceeded the target we had for the 2023–2024 ministry year. Your tithes and offerings are used to equip the different ministries of our church to further God’s purposes and plan both in Markham and around the world. As you consider your offering for the year ahead, please ask yourself if you are giving in faith—the faith the widow had. Please join us at the upcoming Annual General Meeting where we will be sharing with you more details of the finances of the bridge and the budget for the 2024–2025 ministry year.
Tim Jenkins
Chair of the Finance Committee & Board Member

As you may know, we have had a couple of staff changes at the bridge this year. Earlier in May, we took the time to recognize and appreciate Pastor Rod Cohen for 7+ years as our Youth Pastor. He is now the Program Coordinator at Yonge Street Mission and ministering to those in the downtown Toronto community.
Last year, Pastor Brian shared Pastor Sam Chung had transitioned to being our part-time Young Adults Pastor as he explored the area chaplaincy. Recently, we took the opportunity to express our thanks to Pastor Sam as he began a new chapter as the full-time Chaplain at People’s Christian Academy, where his children also attend. We want to take a moment to express our appreciation for his contributions the last 14+ years across our various ministries. We invite everyone to sign a digital farewell card for him, accessible through this link.
We know God will continue to bless and use Pastor Rod and Pastor Sam in their new roles and areas of ministry. Let’s continue to pray for them and their families.
Additionally, we are happy to report that Pastor Brian is making good progress during his sabbatical and is expected to return this fall. Pastor Brian has communicated with the Board that he is doing well and appreciative of the time he’s been given for healing. He looks forward to returning soon and misses everyone a great deal. The Board continues to journey with Deb and Pastor Brian. We kindly ask for your prayers for them and the family during this time.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Pastor Paul Lam for stepping in and providing interim support while Pastor Brian is away. His dedication and service during this period has been greatly appreciated. As we look to build our staff team, we are pleased to share that Pastor Paul will continue to be with us until the end of December.
This summer, we welcomed Pastor Anki to the bridge team as our Connections Pastor. If you haven’t had the chance to meet her, we encourage you to pop by the Connection Centre after service and get to know her.
Laura Zhang has also recently joined the team as our OnMissions Intern. She will be with us this next ministry year and helping us as we continue to support our local community, our ministry partners, and our missionaries.
As we navigate this season of change, we continue to seek God’s guidance while searching to fill some staffing positions. We are thankful to have committed individuals in our church family in the season we are journeying through. Thank you to all the volunteers who have stepped up to fill the gaps during this time of transition. We trust that God will provide the right people with the right gifts at this time. Your prayers and encouragement are crucial as we continue to work through this process.
Teena Chander
Board Member

Our pastoral staff and volunteer leaders have launched the new ministry season. Let’s uphold them in our prayers. It is their hope that the new ministries would provide an opportunity to serve us and for each of us to engage and find a place to serve each other. September also marks the beginning of a new academic year, transitions, and determining new schedules for the new year. The following scripture challenged me to reflect on how it applies to our schedules:
“By wisdom a house [or our schedule] is build, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms [our activities/tasks] are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” —Proverbs 24:3–4 (NIV)
May God help us to face the new season and our schedules with wisdom, strength and courage through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our next Annual Business Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 17, 2024. Further details will be provided at a later date. Pray with us as to what God would desire for us as a church for the upcoming year.
On Sunday, September 8, we announced and opened the new board member nomination process to find two suitable members to take on this ministry role for the next three years. Current board members Bill Buck and Sonia Tan are completing their terms. We would like to thank Bill and Sonia for their diligent service on the Board.
The Board Nomination Committee is comprised of Kenneth Lai, Pamela Li-Chung, Brian Childs/Paul Lam, Sonia Tan, Bill Buck, and myself, Jey Anandarajan serving as the Chair.
A brief summary of qualifications to be nominated to the Board are:
- a member of the church in good standing for at least two years
- consistently participates in a LifeGroup, serving opportunity and attends weekend service
- supports the operation of the church and its ministries through tithing
Leadership qualities for the role are based on those found in 1 Timothy 3:2–7 and Titus 1:6–9:
- Calling
- Character
- Competency
- Chemistry
- Capacity
- Conviction
During the next two weeks, you may submit your nominations online via our church website. Based on the qualifications and your prayerful consideration, please consider nominating two members to the Board. For more information on the nomination process and how to nominate someone, click the button below.
Thank you for your prayers and fervent engagement in the matters of our church.
Jey Anandarajan
Chair of the Board Nomination Committee