Discover Your Purpose

Find Your Unique Giftings

Take time to invest in yourself so that you can invest in others in a richer way.
Take time to invest in yourself so that you can invest in others in a richer way.

Our belief is that as people choose to serve, the impact of that service will change lives—for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those who see them giving their time to help someone else.

It is said that when you have identified what God has given you (what we call our S.H.A.P.E.), and use them under the direction of Jesus Christ, you make a difference. You feel the affirmation of God, and many times you feel more energized after serving than before.

But first, we need to discover what it is that we’ve been given so that we can serve in a way that brings fruitfulness, fulfilment, and fun! Discover Your Purpose is a half-day workshop that will walk you through your SHAPE—spiritual gifts, heart (passions), abilities, personality, and experiences—so that you can gain a greater understanding of how God has uniquely created you!

We will walk through our individual SHAPEs, then provide an opportunity for you to learn how and where you can serve!

At this half-day workshop, you will walk away with these practical resources:

• a personal assessment
• profile of each of your gifts
• identification of your top three gifts

Register Here

Get in touch for a hands-on experience to discover your spiritual gifts. The next session will be held on Sunday, March 23, 2025. Contact Pastor Anki below if you have any questions regarding Discover Your Purpose.